A Presention on Micro-frontends

The Example

Just for the shake of the example we have split the application into a single host and multiple remotes. The host acts as the wrapper, the main application that renders all the micro-frontends and the remotes act as the independent applications that share their modules.

Vite Plugin Federation

vite-plugin-federation was used to configure the micro-frontend applications (webpack no thank you).


export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      name: "header_app",
      filename: "headerRemoteEntry.js",
      exposes: {
        "./Header": "./src/components/header/Header",
      shared: ["clsx", "react", "react-dom"],

The interesting parts of the above configuration are:


export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      name: "app",
      remotes: {
        remoteHeader: "http://localhost:5001/assets/headerRemoteEntry.js",
        remoteFooter: "http://localhost:5002/assets/footerRemoteEntry.js",
        remoteCounter: "http://localhost:5003/assets/counterRemoteEntry.js",
      shared: ["@reduxjs/toolkit", "react", "react-dom", "react-redux"],

The interesting part of the above configuration is:

Example Structure

As mentioned previously the application has a host and multiple remotes split based on the “responsibility” of each application.

In detail: